3D Objects and Pictures

LDB_BCKG.ZIP Backgrounds for HTML
VENUS.ZIP POV-raytracer scene

3D Objects

BINTREE.ZIP Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene
CALIBU.ZIP POV raytracing scene
CAM1.ZIP POV raytracing scene
CJF_COR.ZIP POV raytracing scene/file
CRAZY15P.ZIP POV raytracing scene/file
EARTH_B.ZIP POV raytracing scene/file
EARTH_C.ZIP POV raytracing scene/file
HRSE.ZIP POV raytracing scene/file
JETPLANE.ZIP TrueSpace 3D object
MYSWORD.ZIP TrueSpace 3D object
OIL.ZIP Generate some rope for povray
SPARKV3.ZIP POV-raytracing scene
TEXTURES.ZIP Textures This is a small program that helps me to show textures that aviable with POV-Ray. The hint about each object shows wich texture it is.
WELLDONE.ZIP TrueSpace 3D object


ASCII and ANSI art